
External Building Services

Leaders in meeting
client requirements.

Suite Renovations fully understand hospitality building requirements and practical construction details.
Exterior Solutions

Maintaining the outside of your facility isn’t just for appearances, but can save you thousands in costly repairs.

External works can often be put in the ‘do it tomorrow basket’, we’re here to get it done today!

Maintaining the outside of your facility isn’t just for appearances, but can save you thousands in costly repairs. For instance, a common misconception is that paint is only for decorative effect however that is not the case, paint provides valuable and much needed protection of your building from the elements.

If you can see faded bubbling or peeling paint it’s already too late, the potential for water damage and rotted timber is highly likely. On top of this, the cost of painting has now dramatically increased due to the extra preparation required, and that’s just painting!

Below is a list of other areas that require keeping at a satisfactory standard:

  • Car park works
  • Plumbing works
  • Roofing works
  • Gardening/landscaping works
Maintaining the outside of your Hotel
We are always looking for workers of all trades.

To join our team please clink the link and send us your details.

Motel Renovations Australia